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Turn Your Android Into Wireless mouse.

TURN YOUR ANDROID INTO WIRElESS MOUSE. Hello friends today i am here with a trick that turn your android into wireless mouse. 1. You need to download mouse server for your pc/laptop... DOWNLOADS Click here for Windows:- http://wifimouse.necta.us /MouseServer.zip Click here for Mac OS:- http://wifimouse.necta.us /MouseServerMac.zip Click here for linux/ubuntu:- http://wifimouse.necta.us /MouseServerLinux.zip 2. After install it you need to install server in your android Click here to download for android:- http://goo.gl/HqExe(Play Store) 3. After install on both simply run server on desktop It will show you IP Address. 4. Go to android and start wifi than run wifi mouse. 5. After that put IP address all done. 6. Now your mobile is turned into wireless mouse no need to buy new wireless mouse.
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