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how to unlock security code in any phone without knowing the code

UNLOCK UR PHONEJust press the unlock key and you wil see "SECURITY CODE" then press your red button then dial 112 and the phone wil write® "ATTEMPTING EMERGENCY CAL" wait for 5sec nd end the cal rush to the menu imediatly the menu wil open bt the phone wil lock again bt just keep® "DAILING AND ENDING" until you goto to settings then neviqate with your direction then open phone setting just go to auto keyguard nd select "ON" nd put it to any time of ur choice,has for me i use 02:30. Then the phone wil automatical unlock.® N:B=AFTER THE PHONE AUTOMATICALY UNLOCK DON'T PRESS THE RED BUTTON JUST PRESS UR BACK BUTTON THEN NAVIGATE TO ANY OF THE MENU YOU LIKE® Tested on some phones=>Nokia 3110c,Nokia C1,C2,C3,X2,Nokia 2700,Nokia 5130 a.k.a xpress music...e.t.c STICKLY 4 JAVA USERS ONLY FOR MORE PM ME ONCHUKWUDIKESUNDAY@GMAIL.COM
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